Sobhita Dhulipala garnered significant attention last month for her wedding with South Indian actor Naga Chaitanya, where every detail, from her looks to her bridal hairstyle, was closely observed by fans. Embracing her South Indian roots throughout the ceremonies, she donned exquisite Southern silks and temple jewellery that beautifully reflected her culture and traditions. Now cherishing her newlywed phase, Sobhita celebrated her first Pongal with Naga Chaitanya, exuding traditional elegance with a touch of minimalism in her outfit.
The diva carried a full South Indian vibe and wore a classic cotton saree dipped in the shade of traditional red. Her saree came in with a golden zari work around the border and exuded the right amount of richness with a perfect ray of minimalism. The detailed front pleats had a soft flow from the bottom, whereas she simply left her pallu down from one shoulder and carried it gracefully on one arm.
Managing to stay raw and regal at the same time, she teamed it with a soft golden half-sleeve blouse in the shade of pastel golden that had pure golden detailing around the hemline and an oval neckline. The combination of red and golden is considered one of the favorites of South Indian divas, and Sobhita managed to carry this iconic combo most gracefully. For her accessories, she simply wore a gold necklace with matching small earrings and added her traditional wedding mangalsutra.
Keeping her hair and makeup simple for the festival, she carried a flawless natural base with a nude soft eyeshadow look and adorned it with fine kohl, a light stroke of mascara, and a fine layer of winged eyeliner. Defining her eyebrows and opting for a soft pint-tinted cheek, she added a pinch of red traditional sindoor and tightly made a low bun, keeping her overall look comfortable and genuine.