Congress MP on Wednesday alleged that Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh chief Mohan Bhagwat insulted freedom fighters as well as every Indian citizen by claiming that India’s “true independence was established” only when the Ram temple in Ayodhya was inaugurated.
Gandhi said Bhagwat’s comments, made at an event in Indore on Monday, amounted to treason and that in any other country, he would have been arrested and tried. The RSS chief made the comment nine days before the first anniversary of the inauguration of the Ram Temple on January 22.
“It is quite symbolic that yesterday, the chief of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh said that India never achieved true independence in 1947, but rather when the Ram Mandir was built,” Gandhi said on Wednesday while addressing Congress members at an event in Delhi.
“Mohan Bhagwat has the audacity to inform the nation every two–three days what he thinks about the independence movement and the Constitution,” the Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha further said. “What he said yesterday is treason because he stated that the Constitution is invalid, [the] fight against the British was invalid…In any other country, he would be arrested and tried.”
on Monday: “The true independence of India, which had...