Many Bollywood celebrities have their holiday homes in Alibaug, Maharashtra. Now actress Anushka Sharma has also built a house here, which she has bought along with her husband Virat Kohli. This magnificent house has been built according to nature, in which the swimming pool, luxurious living room and other places were shown by Virat Kohli in a video.
Virat-Anushka have bought this luxurious house in Alibaug for crores. In a video, Virat told about the features of this house and also showed pictures of the places where he would relax with his family. The view inside the house in the video is such that every fan will be stunned to see it.
A few months ago, a video was shared on the YouTube channel of Architectural Digest India, in which Virat Kohli is showing a bungalow, whose features he is also seen explaining in this video.
At the beginning of the video, Virat was seen saying, 'Welcome to my holiday Alibaug home.' This house of Anushka and Virat is very big and luxurious. Virat told that when he comes here, there will be every kind of facility. Virat also told that whenever he comes home with Anushka and children after getting free from work, he will relax here. Working is a part of life, but it is also very important to relax. Virat would like to spend quality time here with his family. In this house, Virat showed everything like living room, garden area, bedroom, kitchen and terrace.
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According to reports, the price of this house of Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli is around Rs 35 crore. The house where he has been given every kind of facility and many technologies have also been used in it, so that Virat's family can remain safe. The house has also been connected to nature and their children will be able to play here in completely fresh air. In the video, Virat Kohli showed the entire house and also told about the facilities it has. Virat and Anushka celebrated their 7th wedding anniversary in 2024. Anushka and Virat are parents of a daughter Vamika and a son Akay.