'Shark Tank India' is in the headlines at the moment. In the latest episode, two young entrepreneurs from Delhi, Paurav and Shamin came. Both of them shared their ideas for 'We Work for Cloud Kitchen' in front of the panel. He told that the name of his company is 'Speed Kitchen' and its objective is to give places on rent to growing brands, from where they can operate their delivery service. Paurav revealed that he has worked in Shark Tank judge Ritesh Agarwal's company OYO and he has closely observed Ritesh's anger and his moods.
When Paurav revealed that Ritesh Agarwal can also get angry, other sharks like Vineeta were surprised. He said that he could not believe that even a happy-go-lucky person like Ritesh could get angry.
Paurav was in the lead role in the pitch and he said that his company can reduce the problems faced in running 'Cloud Kitchen'. This is the reason why Haldiram, Chayos and Daryaganj are their partners. He asked for Rs 2 crore in exchange for 3% equity, which brought the value of his company to Rs 66 crore. The shark panel included Aman Gupta, Ritesh Aggarwal, Vineeta Singh, Azhar Iqbal and Kunal Bahl. The Sharks were very pleased with Paurav's work experience, when he told that he has worked in many countries around the world and before Covid 19, he used to work in OYO.
During this, Shark Vineeta asked whether he had worked with Ritesh and Paurav replied yes. During this time, Aman noticed that when Paurav used to talk to Ritesh, his nature completely changed. Aman asked in a joking tone why he changes completely while talking to Ritesh. In response to this, Paurav told him that “I have seen different moods and anger of Ritesh.” After hearing this, Shark Vineeta Singh was surprised and said that she could not believe that even the happy-go-lucky Ritesh could get angry.