Tejasswi Prakash has been busy shooting for Celebrity MasterChef. Despite the hectic schedule, she has been keeping fans engaged with her intriguing posts on Instagram. Speaking of which, Tejasswi Prakash recently dropped a video on the photo-sharing application wherein she is seen getting ready inside her vanity van, seemingly for her work commitments. Putting her fun side into the display, she is seen enjoying while her team styles for her for the shoot. Along with the video, she wrote, “Rise and slay."
The clip opens to showcase Tejasswi Prakash lipsyncing to a song as her makeup artist applies foundation on her face. The clip, then, cuts to another scene with Tejasswi all dressed up in a grey and white co-ord set, grooving to the song in a different location.
Check it out:
Meanwhile, Tejasswi Prakash is set to impress fans with her experiments in culinary creations as she will be a part of Celebrity MasterChef. Sharing her excitement to be a part of the reality show, Tejasswi, in a press statement, said, “Reality TV has taught me to be fearless and authentic, but cooking on national television is a whole new level of vulnerability. I truly believe that food is a love language, so I’ve decided to put my heart (and culinary skills) on the line to impress the audiences, and I hope this is a recipe for success."
Hosted by Farah Khan, Celebrity MasterChef will be judged by Vikas Khanna and Ranveer Brar. Besides Tejasswi Prakash, the show will also feature several other actors including Gaurav Khanna, Dipika Kakar Ibrahim, Usha Nadkarni, Chandan Prabhakar, Archana Gautam and Rajiv Adatia among others.
Speaking of Tejasswi Prakash, she was last seen in a 2024 music video. Titled Revolver, the song was sung by Gippy Grewal, Kabal Saroopwali and Kulshan Sandhu. Before this, she was also seen in the television show Naagin 6. Last year, she also left fans excited with her appearances in Temptation Island: Pyaar Ki Pariksha, Family Table and Laughter Chefs—Unlimited Entertainment. The actress rose to fame after her stint in Bigg Boss 15.