The Calcutta High Court on Thursday criticized the West Bengal government for delaying action on contaminated intravenous (IV) fluids used in state-run hospitals. The court directed the state to compensate the family of a pregnant woman who died after receiving the tainted saline. Four other pregnant women are reportedly in critical condition after being given the same fluids.
A division bench led by Chief Justice T.S. Sivagnanam and Justice Hiranmay Bhattacharya heard public interest litigations (PILs) seeking a probe into the deaths linked to the contaminated saline. The Chief Justice expressed concern over the delay, noting that although an order to stop manufacturing the saline was issued in December 2024, the health department only suspended its use on January 14, 2025.
“It is disturbing that it took over ten days to withdraw the stock,” the Chief Justice said. The court stressed that while compensation cannot bring back lives, the state has to support affected families.
The High Court has asked the state’s Health and Family Welfare Department to submit a report on the patients who received the saline. The central government has also been directed to file an action taken report on the manufacturer. Petitioners highlighted that the same saline was flagged in Karnataka in 2024, leading to a ban. Despite warnings and reports dating back to 2015, the supply continued in West Bengal.