Bollywood actor Kartik Aryan's last release film 'Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3' performed well at the box office. This film was released with Ajay Devgan's 'Singham Again'. Now for the first time, Karthik has talked about what was going on in his mind before the clash. He says that he became very nervous at that time. The actor told that his heart beats had also become very fast.
While talking to Indian Express, Karthik Aryan said, “We took a sigh of relief that our film is successful. We were excited, but were also feeling nervous, because two big films were releasing on the same day. When it was releasing alone on Diwali, we were relieved that the film would definitely do well, but when the clash was announced, our condition became a little worse.”
Karthik Aryan further said, “Everyone associated with the film was nervous as to what would happen. The day the film was released, I felt as if my first film was being released. When the film did well, we felt relieved that 2.5 years of hard work was paying off. Now I understand how one day when two big films are released, what is the condition of the people associated with them.”
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The film 'Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3' directed by Anees Bazmee was released on 1 November 2024. Apart from Kartik Aryan, Vidya Balan, Madhuri Dixit and Trupti Dimri were seen in important roles in the film. According to Sacnilk, this film had collected Rs 389.28 crore at the worldwide box office. If we talk about the film 'Singham Again' directed by Rohit Shetty, many actors including Ajay Devgan, Kareena Kapoor, Tiger Shroff were seen in it. This film had collected Rs 372.04 crore worldwide.