The recent attack on actor Saif Ali Khan has reverberated through both the film fraternity and political circles in Maharashtra, leaving many in shock. The actor suffered stab wounds inflicted by an unidentified attacker at his Bandra residence in the early hours of Thursday. Fortunately, the rest of his family, including his wife Kareena Kapoor and their two sons, Taimur and Jeh, were unharmed. However, the incident has raised concerns about the traumatic impact on the young children, as expressed by Lalita D’Silva, the former nanny of Taimur.
In an interview with Pinkvilla, D’Silva conveyed her distress over the attack. “I am feeling very bad. It is unbearable for me to imagine how Taimur and Jeh will be feeling at this point, especially Jeh. They must have got really scared," she shared. D’Silva had served as Taimur’s nanny from his birth in 2016 until 2023, spending seven years as part of Saif and Kareena’s household.
Reflecting further on the incident, D’Silva expressed her apprehension and called for justice. "I am feeling very anxious about this whole incident and firmly believe that the culprits must be punished. I haven't been able to speak to anyone from the family yet, but I wish and pray that they are all safe," she told Pinkvilla
Following the attack, Saif was immediately transported to Lilavati Hospital, where a team of medical professionals performed surgery to address his injuries. By Thursday afternoon, his team assured the public that he was out of danger and had been moved to the Intensive Care Unit for observation. Later that evening, Kareena Kapoor issued a heartfelt statement, emphasizing the family’s need for privacy during this trying time. “This has been an immensely challenging day for us, and we are still coming to terms with the events. We kindly urge the media and paparazzi to respect our privacy and avoid speculative reporting,” her statement read.
Details of the incident reveal that an intruder breached Saif and Kareena’s home early Thursday morning. The attacker reportedly confronted a member of their domestic staff, prompting Saif to intervene. Attempts to diffuse the situation escalated into violence, resulting in Saif sustaining multiple stab wounds. Despite the chaos, Kareena and their children remained safe inside the house.
Interestingly, Lalita D’Silva also has a history of working with high-profile families. She previously served as a nanny for Anant Ambani, the youngest son of industrialist Mukesh Ambani. On the occasion of Anant’s recent wedding to Radhika Merchant, D’Silva shared nostalgic photos, including a memorable trip to Disney World Paris and snapshots from the lavish wedding reception. D’Silva, often mistakenly referred to as “Savitri” during her time with the Khan family, fondly recalled Anant’s childhood, describing him as “very good boy.”
She attended Anant Ambani’s wedding in Mumbai, expressing her gratitude towards the Ambani family for their enduring affection and respect over the years.
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Reflecting further on the incident, D’Silva expressed her apprehension and called for justice. "I am feeling very anxious about this whole incident and firmly believe that the culprits must be punished. I haven't been able to speak to anyone from the family yet, but I wish and pray that they are all safe," she told Pinkvilla
Following the attack, Saif was immediately transported to Lilavati Hospital, where a team of medical professionals performed surgery to address his injuries. By Thursday afternoon, his team assured the public that he was out of danger and had been moved to the Intensive Care Unit for observation. Later that evening, Kareena Kapoor issued a heartfelt statement, emphasizing the family’s need for privacy during this trying time. “This has been an immensely challenging day for us, and we are still coming to terms with the events. We kindly urge the media and paparazzi to respect our privacy and avoid speculative reporting,” her statement read.
Details of the incident reveal that an intruder breached Saif and Kareena’s home early Thursday morning. The attacker reportedly confronted a member of their domestic staff, prompting Saif to intervene. Attempts to diffuse the situation escalated into violence, resulting in Saif sustaining multiple stab wounds. Despite the chaos, Kareena and their children remained safe inside the house.
Interestingly, Lalita D’Silva also has a history of working with high-profile families. She previously served as a nanny for Anant Ambani, the youngest son of industrialist Mukesh Ambani. On the occasion of Anant’s recent wedding to Radhika Merchant, D’Silva shared nostalgic photos, including a memorable trip to Disney World Paris and snapshots from the lavish wedding reception. D’Silva, often mistakenly referred to as “Savitri” during her time with the Khan family, fondly recalled Anant’s childhood, describing him as “very good boy.”
She attended Anant Ambani’s wedding in Mumbai, expressing her gratitude towards the Ambani family for their enduring affection and respect over the years.