For Uttar Pradesh’s craftsmen, Maha Kumbh 2025, the great celebration held at Sangam in Prayagraj, is turning out to be a significant platform. The spectacular “One District, One Product” (ODOP) exhibition, which spans 6,000 square meters, features a variety of fine handicrafts, including carpets, zari-zardozi work, glass toys from Firozabad, and wooden toys from Varanasi, among other items.
Prayagraj Division’s Joint Commissioner of Industries, Sharad Tandon, emphasized the business’s impressive expansion since the last Mahakumbh in 2019. “We expect a turnover of up to Rs 35 crore this time around, compared to Rs 4.30 crore in 2019.” Tandon said that this outstanding rise would empower small business owners and provide new job prospects.
Flipkart has put up a kiosk where local entrepreneurs are being given a free sales opportunity, adding another depth to the event. Flipkart’s website, which has been drawing a lot of customers and visitors, now allows artisans and handicraft vendors to offer their goods for free.
Through a variety of crafts and Geographical Indication (GI) goods, the show also highlights Uttar Pradesh’s rich cultural legacy. As part of the ODOP initiative, 75 GI products from the state are on exhibit, according to GI specialist Dr. Rajnikant.
These include the terracotta from Gorakhpur, the brass utensils from Mirzapur, the amla from Pratapgarh, the red chilies from Varanasi, and the Banarasi sarees. The exhibition’s main draws also include glass toys and kitchenware from Firozabad and rugs from Kushinagar.