New Delhi [India], January 17 (ANI): Ahead of Delhi assembly elections, AAP MLA and candidate from Malviya Nagar, Somnath Bharti, on Friday launched a scathing attack against the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and said that the BJP has only deceived people in the name of sankalp and that people do not place their trust in their poll promises."BJP has only deceived in the name of 'sankalp'; we have been seeing this since 2014. This is the only party that calls its own manifesto a 'jumla' after winning. People do not trust any of their poll promises. Here, there is a decisive comparison between Arvind Kejriwal and the BJP. Arvind Kejriwal stands for doing what he said. When it comes to the BJP, it is--jo kaha wo khud hi jumla keh diya. So, Delhi can see that they do not have their own vision; they do not have original ideas. They are copying AAP's schemes, tweaking them and presenting them to the people as their ideas. They are calling the ideas that they were abusing their own today..." said Somnath Bharti.Earlier, Bharti's rival and Bharatiya Janata Party candidate for the Malviya Nagar Assembly Constituency Satish Upadhyay shared the "Development Roadmap" for Malviya Nagar if voted to power. Upadhyay stated that if the BJP government is voted to power in the upcoming assembly elections, they will implement a 'single-window solution' for all issues to ensure timely accountability.He added that his party will ensure that clean drinking water reaches everyone under the 'Har Ghar Jal' scheme.Satish Upadhyay also said that his party will implement the Ayushman Bharat Yojana and establish multispecialty centres.This comes ahead of the Delhi assembly elections, which are scheduled to be held on February 5. The counting of votes will take place on February 8. A three-way contest is on the cards in Delhi between the ruling AAP, BJP and Congress. Congress, which was in power for 15 consecutive years in Delhi, has suffered setbacks in the last two assembly elections and has failed to win any seat. AAP dominated the 2020 assembly elections by winning 62 out of 70 seats while the BJP got eight seats. (ANI)