TV actor Aman Jaiswal , known for his lead role in the show Dhartiputra Nandini , tragically passed away in a road accident. Indian television actor Aman Jaiswal tragically passed away at the age of 23 in a road accident.
Dhiraj Mishra , the writer of Dhartiputra Nandini, confirmed the sad news of Aman Jaiswal's death in a road accident to India Today Digital. He said, "Aman was on his way to an audition. On Jogeshwari highway, his bike was hit by a truck.."
He was hit by a truck while riding a bike on Jogeshwari Highway. Aman's friend, Abhinesh Mishra , shared that the actor was rushed to Cama Hospital , where he succumbed to his injuries about half an hour after the accident.
Aman was best known for his role in the TV show Dhartiputra Nandini.