India's star cricketer Rinku Singh, who became famous after sending five sixes across the boundary during the IPL match at Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad in 2023, is now moving towards a new journey in his personal life. Rinku Singh's name is now being linked to Samajwadi Party MP Priya Saroj. After this news came out in the media, it has created a stir among Rinku Singh's fans and media.
Priya Saroj is currently an MP from Machhilishahr seat of Uttar Pradesh. Priya is currently 26 years old and in the Lok Sabha elections held in 2024, she won the Lok Sabha elections for the first time and became an MP. Priya's father is Toofani Saroj, a big leader of Samajwadi Party. He has also been a Lok Sabha MP three times. However, if we look at Priya Saroj's assets, she does not have any big house or car. His total wealth is around Rs 11.25 lakh. Most of these are deposits in banks. Priya Saroj had given this information in her affidavit.
Rinku Singh was born on 12 October 1997 in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh. He made his place on the cricket field by fighting poverty and became famous across the country after his brilliant performance in IPL 2023. His wealth has now reached crores. Rinku plays for Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) in IPL. KKR has retained him for Rs 13 crore in the mega auction of IPL 2025. This shows his increasing popularity.
Rinku Singh was first bought by Kings XI Punjab in 2017 for Rs 10 lakh. However, he did not get a chance to play in that tournament. In 2018, Kolkata Knight Riders included him in their team for Rs 80 lakh. Now his annual income is said to be around Rs 60 to 80 lakh. Rinku has a luxurious house in Aligarh and also has expensive cars in her collection. Rinku Singh's net worth in 2024 was estimated to be around Rs 8 crore. In which there has been a significant increase in the last year.
With the increasing success of Rinku Singh and the news of his relationship with Priya Saroj, his earnings are likely to increase further. Now he is going to enter advertising. His story is not only one of struggle and success, but now he is starting a new chapter in his personal life.