Judge Ravi Kumar Diwakar gave the verdict in the case of assault and attempt to kill toll personnel in Bareilly district of Uttar Pradesh. While giving a historic verdict, the judge has sentenced the accused to life imprisonment. Besides, a fine of Rs 50-50 thousand has also been imposed. Judge Ravi Kumar Diwakar said in his order that the government collects toll tax in the national interest. Highways are made from it. In such a situation, not paying toll is weakening the economic condition of the nation. There is a stir due to this decision of the court.
In 2019, some miscreants had brutally assaulted the toll personnel at Bhojipura toll plaza on Nainital Highway in Bareilly. Not only this, the bullies had attempted to murder a toll worker by running a car over him. In the Bhojipura police station, the victim employees filed an IPC against Sunny son of Sumit Kumar, Vinod Maurya son of Rajendra Prasad, resident of Surkha Bankhana, Premnagar, Rajat Gangwar son of Pratap Singh, resident of village Hans of Bhojipur and Ankit Bharti, resident of Pragati Nagar, Prem Nagar. A case was registered under several sections.
The police had arrested the accused and sent them to jail. Today, after the hearing, Judge Ravi Kumar Diwakar sentenced all the accused to life imprisonment and imposed a fine of Rs 50,000 each. All the accused have been sent to jail from the court. All the accused cried in front of the judge and said forgive us, their whole life has been ruined. Will never make such a mistake. BJP leader Ankit Bharti is also included among the accused.
Judge Ravi Kumar Diwakar said in his order that highways are built by the government for the convenience of the people. The government takes toll tax as contribution amount. Which the government spends in development works. People who do not pay toll tax, in a way, hinder people's comfort and national development and cause loss to revenue.