Hemant Sharma, Indore. Every day shocking revelations are being made about the Sarpanch husband against whom the BJP leader has accused of rape in Simrol police station in Indore, Madhya Pradesh. The victim told that the accused is a promiscuous person and fond of different women. She has revealed this by recording a call in which the other woman told that the promiscuous Lekhraj Dabi has relations with her too.
The Sarpanch husband has relations with different women
The other woman called the victim and told that Lekhraj Dabi had relations with her too. But as soon as she came to know that the Sarpanch husband has relations with other women too, she left him. He enjoys having relations with new women. The woman told that the Sarpanch husband uses women and then leaves them.
Accused of abortion after pregnancy
The victim today recorded a statement against the accused under 164 in the Bahu Court, in which she accused him of raping her, making her pregnant and getting an abortion done. Due to which she remained unconscious on the bed for 5 days. Now after the illegal relationship with another woman came to light, the BJP leader said that the accused has ruined the lives of many more women.
The victim was going to protest at the CM residence
The victim alleged that the police is not arresting the Sarpanch husband till now due to political pressure. Due to which she is talking about reaching the residence of Chief Minister Mohan Yadav and protesting. The woman was to go to the CM residence today to protest, but due to the statement under 164 in the court, she could not go.
The Sarpanch husband is said to be close to MLA Usha Thakur
The woman alleged that Lekhraj is close to former cabinet minister and MLA Usha Thakur. Due to which the woman is not being heard at the police station. The police have definitely registered the case, but he is not being arrested. Her family members are constantly threatening to crush her under a dumper.
ASP said- Further action will be taken after medical
In this entire case, Rural ASP Rupesh Dwivedi says that investigation is still going on. The victim's 164 statement has been recorded in the court. Her medical will be done. Further action will be taken after that.