You must have a ration card, if not, then you should get it made. Because people get the benefit of many government schemes only through ration card. In such a situation, under the National Food Security Act, the facility of free ration is given at a low price and that too is available through this.
Names are being removed
Let us tell you that ration cards are issued by the government, by showing which the ration given under the National Food Security Act and the State Food Security Act can be obtained. But now the names of many people are also being removed from the ration card. If you want that your name is not removed from the ration card list, then avoid making these mistakes.
Do not make this mistake
If someone is taking ration by making a ration card in a fake way, then first of all his name is removed. Apart from this, it is also mandatory for ration card holders to get e KYC done, the names of those who are not getting ration card KYC done are also being removed from the ration card. The names of those people whose names are registered in the ration cards of two different states are also removed from the ration card list.
Disclaimer: This Content Has Been Sourced And Edited From [ Abp News]