There is heated discussion about marriage between Indian cricket team's star batsman Rinku Singh and Samajwadi Party MP Priya Saroj. The engagement of both is being planned after IPL. Priya Saroj is an MP from Machlishahr seat of Jaunpur, and her father Toofani Saroj is also a SP MLA.
While talking to the media on Saturday, Priya Saroj's father spoke openly about the relationship between Rinku and Priya. He said that after a meeting in Delhi, a conversation started between the two, which gradually turned from friendship to love. Rinku and Priya agreed to the marriage, but it was decided to give importance to the wishes of both the families. Recently, during the meeting with Rinku Singh's father, it was told that both the children are ready for marriage, on which Rinku's father also agreed.
On the question of engagement date, Toofani Saroj said that both will be busy in February due to T-20 and IPL, hence the engagement date will be decided later. He told that discussions will be held regarding the date of engagement between T-20 and IPL.
Talking about the wedding date, he said that the families have met for the first time and everything is balanced now. The wedding date will also be decided after a meeting in future. Toofani Saroj praised Rinku Singh and said that he is not only a good cricketer but also a good human being. He has a sense of humanity, and his family is very good.
When asked about the proposal, he said that the two were in talks for a year. Priya was studying in Delhi, while Rinku was playing cricket. Only Rinku and Priya can tell who initiated the proposal.