Engineer Abhey Singh, aka 'IITian Baba,' who became an internet sensation in a short span of time, was expelled from Juna Akhara on Saturday night. According to reports, Abhey Singh allegedly used abusive language against his Guru, Mahant Someshwar Puri, which led to his expulsion. Singh has also been banned from entering the Akhara camp and its surroundings.
Chief Patron of Juna Akhara Mahant Hari Giri told TOI that Abhey's act was against the Guru-Shishya (master-disciple) tradition and the principles of Sanyas.
'Disrespecting one's Guru shows a lack of respect for Sanatan Dharma and the Akhara. Discipline is of utmost importance in Juna Akhara, and no one is above it—not me, nor anyone like Singh,' TOI quoted Mahant Hari Giri as saying.
The Akhara made it clear that Abhey Singh will be prohibited from the Akhara until he learned to respect his Guru and adhere to its discipline.
Shiv Sena (UBT) MP Priyanka Chaturvedi has responded to the expulsion of IITian Baba from the Akhara. Taking a jibe at Abhey Singh, the Rajya Sabha MP said, 'Those who have gone viral are the ones who turned out to be massive letdowns. Hope the media henceforth will focus on the true devotees and faith holders participating in the MahaKumbh rather than recruiters for next season of Big Boss.'
Abhey, in an interview with a media channel, claimed that before practicing ascetic life, he worked in Canada. According to reports, he left his career in aerospace engineering after graduating from IIT-Bombay.
Abhey Singh gained popularity after his interview went viral on the internet. After that, every media organisation and YouTuber wanted a piece of him.
According to reports, Singh's Guru had expelled him from the camp, but he refused to leave the fair and instead sought refuge in the camp of another saint."