Four zodiac signs receive blessings from the universe on January 20, 2025. We’re receiving some great news today, but it will come to us through methods we aren’t expecting. As astrology shows us, the transit of Moon square Mars is productive but also overbearing.
What this means for Aries, Leo, Aquarius and Pisces zodiac signs is that while making progress in all that we do, we still have to pay close attention to details so that we don’t get it wrong and have to start at the beginning. So, what we call a blessing is an honest look at what we’re doing to get it completely right. Hey, practice makes perfectright?
Photo: warmjuly | Design: YourTango
The universe is with you, Aries, and you receive a few blessings from the universe. You feel inspired in ways you have never felt before. You’ve got this power-packed transit, Moon square Mars, on your side, and while that doesn’t guarantee ease, it does point you in the direction of success.
What you’ve been working on has made you feel like you’ve been on a long and rough road; success is there, but it’s not quite where you want it to be. That’s because you need to learn everything to get where you want.
The great part is that you’re not being stopped; you can and will learn what is needed and make more than the best of it; in fact, you’ll be well on your way to the success you desire, Aries. Moon square Mars pushes you in the right direction, and you go, go, go.
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Photo: warmjuly | Design: YourTango
Here you have a day that confirms something for you, Leo, and that is that whatever it is you’ve had in mind, you can make it happen successfully. The days of doubting yourself are over; it’s time to get some results in the form of blessings from the universe.
It’s during the Moon square Mars transit that you see that before you is a choice: you either move it and grab the victories before you, or you sit it out and end up feeling badly about not having enough courage to move.
Fortunately, you have all the courage in the world, Leo, and you are ready to take risks and do things out of your comfort zone. This day’s transit, Moon square Mars, shows you what you are made of, and the universe applauds you for your bravery.
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Photo: warmjuly | Design: YourTango
You want your blessings from the universe because you no longer have time for excuses. You’ve been putting things off for a very long time, Aquarius, and the kicker is … you know it all too well.
You crave major change, and the universe is about to do something about it. The blessing it brings you comes to you in the form of transit, Moon Square, and Mars. This creates the condition for major change and major nerve.
So, it will take nerve for you to get out of your way and go for the dreams you’ve had in mind for so long. It’s time to make something of all this dreaming and thinking, and it’s time to turn your thoughts into reality. Moon square Mars helps you make that happen.
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Photo: warmjuly | Design: YourTango
You’ve known for a long time now that it’s one thing to be content with one’s life and another to tell people you’re content when you’re feeling anxious and doubtful. During the transit of Moon square Mars on January 20, you face the following facts: you need transformation as blessings from the universe.
The days of kidding yourself into thinking that everything is alright are over because you want to know this as truth, not as a fairy tale you’ll see one day come true. You need change now, meaning you need the nerve to go through it.
That’s how the universe blesses you, Pisces. It brings you the transit of Moon square Mars, which gets you up and on your feet, ready to bravely make the necessary changes in your life right now.
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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.