In a shocking development surrounding the stabbing of Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan at his residence, Mumbai police have confirmed that the alleged attacker, arrested on Sunday, is a 30-year-old Bangladeshi national. The accused, identified as Shariful Islam Shehzad, had entered India illegally and was working in Mumbai for the past five months, doing menial jobs. Police sources said the man had used an alias, changing his name to Vijay Das upon arrival in India.
Authorities disclosed that the accused's birth certificate, found during the investigation, confirmed his Bangladeshi origins. Shariful, who hails from Jhalokati in Bangladesh, was arrested at Hiranandani Estate on Ghodbandar Road in Thane district. Preliminary investigations indicate that the attacker, unaware he had entered a Bollywood star's home, had initially intended to commit theft rather than harm the actor.
The incident took place early on Thursday morning, when the intruder reportedly entered Khan's 12th-floor apartment in the 'Satguru Sharan' building in Bandra. The actor was brutally attacked and repeatedly stabbed with a knife inside his home. He was rushed to Lilavati Hospital, where he underwent emergency surgery. Doctors have confirmed that Khan is in stable condition and is expected to be discharged soon.
Police have registered a case against the accused under various sections, including robbery, housebreaking, and provisions of the Passport Act, 1967. Investigators are working to gather further details regarding the illegal documents used by Shariful Islam to enter India.
The police also stated that Shariful was connected to a local housekeeping agency, though it remains unclear how he gained access to Khan's apartment. During his interrogation at Khar police station, authorities are hoping to uncover more details about his motives and how he entered the actor’s residence.