Prime Video has announced the global streaming premiere of Viduthalai Part 2, the highly anticipated Tamil crime action-thriller directed by acclaimed filmmaker Vetri Maran. The film, starring Vijay Sethupathi, Manju Warrier, Suri, Gautham Vasudev, Rajeev Menon and Anurag Kashyap, will be available for Prime members from January 19 in Tamil, while it will be dubbed in Telugu. The entertaining sequel picks up from the events of Viduthalai Part 1 and continues the emotionally packed story of school teacher turned revolutionary leader Perumal (Sethupathi), who is caught up in the struggle against systemic oppression.
The film is based on Perumal's life and ideological transformation, showing his personal growth and leadership role in the revolution with intense flashbacks. As Perumal narrates his story to a group of policemen, his story deeply affects Constable Kumaresan, who faces a moral dilemma about duty versus ideals.
Director Vetri Maran shared, “With Viduthalai Part 2, we explore the moral and ideological battles of individuals fighting for their beliefs, while questioning the forces shaping their existence. Collaborating with such a talented cast and crew, especially Ilaiyaraaja's soulful score, has been an incredible experience. I am excited to bring this story to audiences around the world, thanks to the global platform of Prime Video.”
Speaking about his role in the sequel, actor Vijay Sethupathi said, “Playing Vaathiyar was transformative. The complexity of this man, who fights for the oppressed and seeks to remind the world of its past, was an inspiring challenge. I am thrilled that audiences around the world will get to see this story that is more about perseverance and courage than a simple hero.”
Viduthalai Part 2 will be available to stream for Prime members in India and 240 countries and territories, continuing the saga of revolution, morality and resistance.