In Tendu police station area of Shivpuri, Madhya Pradesh, the accused carried out a deadly attack on the victim's family for not agreeing to a murder case. On Saturday night, the sons of the accused, who were jailed on murder charges, first tried to kill the deceased's brother and when this did not satisfy them, they broke it by throwing stones on the roof of the mud house of the deceased's family. Police reached the spot after the incident, registered a complaint and started investigating the matter.
On January 18, 2023, due to a land dispute in Digaudi village, Mangal Singh was murdered by four brothers of his family, which included Maharaj Singh, Rajesh, Mukesh and Sukhdev Dhakad. Police reached the spot after the incident, acting on the complaint of the victim's family, arrested all four accused and sent them to jail. The matter is pending in the court. Deceased's brother Ramsingh Dhakad says that the family members of the killers were pressurizing him to resign.
In this regard, we lodged an FIR in the police station against the family of the accused. However, when there was no agreement on the matter, then exactly two years after the murder, i.e. on January 18, 2025, accused Mukesh's son Akash, Vikas, accused Maharaj Singh's son Golu and accused Rajesh's son Rinku planned to kill Keshav Dhakad, brother of deceased Mangal Singh. Made a deadly attack. Keshav was returning with his wife. Meanwhile, the accused were waiting for him. On seeing Keshav, they attacked him.
After the attack, injured Keshav has been admitted to the hospital for treatment. When even this did not satisfy the accused, they reached the house of the deceased Mangal Singh on the morning of 19 January, where they pelted stones at the house of the deceased's wife Guddi Bai, due to which the stones of its roof broke and fell down. Guddi, her daughter Kalpana, father-in-law Kailash Chandra and mother-in-law Santo Bai narrowly escaped this incident. The stones of Pataur have fallen on him.
Police reached the spot after the incident and registered a complaint based on the complaint of the victims and started investigating the matter. In this entire matter, Leopard police station in-charge Vivek Yadav says that the application has been received. Police have reached the spot and are investigating the matter.