A surprising case came to light on Sunday from Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, where a criminal set out alone on a bicycle to rob SBI Bank, however, upon reaching the bank, the bank employees caught him and handed him over to the police. Now when the police interrogated him, he told the reason for robbing the bank. He told that his girlfriend was asking him for a gift. That's why he took this step.
New information is emerging during the police interrogation of the student who entered Kanpur with the intention of robbing the SBI bank. The student told the police that he planned to rob the bank because his girlfriend demanded a gift and he wanted to fulfill her demand. He planned to rob the bank after watching videos on the internet. Accused Lavi is a B.Sc student and where he lives. His image is much better there. Therefore, when his family members and local people came to know about his actions, they too were surprised.
The criminal Lavi had entered SBI Bank in Patara Ghatampur with weapons. When the bank manager and cashier arrived after seeing the altercation with the guard, Lavi attacked them with a knife. However, the bank manager and cashier caught the young man and tied him with a rope. After this the bank manager informed the police about the incident. The police reached the spot and first took the injured robber to the hospital and started questioning him after his recovery. Lavi is a B.Sc student and he had gone alone on a bicycle to rob the bank, but he took a pistol, a pistol and a knife with him to rob the bank. The bank guard was also injured in this incident.
During interrogation by the police, accused Lavi told that he has a girlfriend. To please him and fulfill his demand, a plan was made to rob the bank. Lavi told that first he watched many videos on the internet in which he saw how the robbery was carried out. After that arranged for an old sword, ax and knife. After this, he went to the bank alone on a bicycle and attacked the bank guard to scare him. At present, the police have sent the accused to jail and have started further legal action.