January 20, New Delhi According to a research released on Monday, the 45-day Maha Kumbh 2025 is expected to create an estimated 1.2 million (12 lakh) gig and temporary employment, benefiting over eight lakh individuals in a variety of industries.
The traditional Prayagraj gathering in Uttar Pradesh is becoming a major driver of the nation’s economic development and temporary employment.
It is anticipated that this historic occasion would increase trade not just in Prayagraj but also in nearby areas, with significant gains anticipated in important sectors including retail, IT, healthcare, tourism, and transportation and logistics.
Beyond its deep spiritual importance, the holy assembly has become a significant economic engine, according to a research by NLB Services, a worldwide supplier of technology and digital skills solutions.
40 crore devotees are expected to attend, making it one of the biggest peaceful gatherings in history, according to the Uttar Pradesh government.
The Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) estimates that the event would provide previously unheard-of possibilities in a number of industries and produce an astounding Rs 2 lakh crore in economic activity.
“The economic ripple effect fosters growth in both traditional and modern business segments by extending through infrastructure development, event management, security services, local trade, tourism, entertainment, and horticulture,” said Sachin Alug, CEO of NLB Services.
Both the official and informal employment sectors are benefiting greatly from the increase in temporary positions in these varied industries.
“Jobs like hotel employees, tour guides, porters, travel consultants, and coordinators are expected to grow significantly in the tourism and hospitality industry, contributing roughly 4.5 lakh to manage the massive influx of visitors,” Alug said.
An estimated three lakh jobs would be created in the transportation and logistics industry as a result of the increased need for drivers, supply chain managers, couriers, and other support workers.
In order to guarantee the safety and wellbeing of millions of guests, temporary medical camps will be put up throughout the event, offering possibilities to freelance nurses, paramedics, and other allied healthcare workers, creating around 1.5 lakh jobs.
The survey said that two lakh people would be needed to handle virtual darshan apps, real-time event update applications, and cybersecurity for flawless digital experiences, indicating that the IT and technology industry is expected to see a spike in demand in the interim.
To accommodate the demand for religious goods, souvenirs, and local products, retail establishments serving devotees are anticipated to generate around one lakh employment for on-the-ground sales and customer service employees.
At the biggest spiritual congregation in the world, at least 7.72 crore devotees have taken the holy plunge so far.