Himani Mor: India's golden boy Neeraj Chopra recently married Himani Mor of Sonipat, which has made his fans very happy. Ever since seeing the wedding pictures, fans have been wanting to know about Himani, they also want to know how educated Neeraj Chopra and Himani Mor are and where they have completed their education.
Let us tell you, Neeraj Chopra always focused on his studies and along with sports, he also got a good education. If we talk about his wife Himani Mor, she herself is a former professional tennis player, she studied from South Eastern Louisiana University and is now pursuing a master's degree in Sports Management and Administration. Let us understand in detail about the education and writing of both.
Neeraj Chopra's wife Himani is not only a former tennis player but she has also excelled in studies. Currently she is studying Sports Management at Franklin Pierce University, America. Before this, he completed his graduation in Political Science and Physical Education from Miranda House, Delhi. Along with this, he also studied from South Eastern Louisiana University.
If we talk about her game, she has been an excellent tennis player. In the year 2018, his national ranking was 42 in singles and 27 in doubles. He represented India in the World University Tennis Championship in 2017. Pursuing his passion for sports, he also worked as an assistant coach at Franklin Pierce University. If we talk about his school, he did his schooling from Sonipat Little Angel School.
Neeraj Chopra did his early education from BVN Public School, Panipat. After this he completed his graduation from DAV College, Chandigarh. Currently completing graduation in Arts from Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar. In view of his achievements in sports, he was appointed as Junior Commissioned Officer from Rajputana Rifles. Wherever Nayak served on the post of Subedar.