By Jitendra Jangid- Friends, in today's digital world YouTube Has revolutionized the way of watching videos. billions of people in the world YouTube use watch video, Let's listen to music and discover new content. The company offers features for its billions of users, one such feature is searching for songs by humming the tune of the song. If you ever have a tune stuck in your head, But you can't remember the name of the song, So this feature can be really very useful. Let us know its process-
YouTube open the app
on your smartphone YouTube Launch the app. Make sure you are on the home screen.
Click on the search bar
Tap the search bar at the top of the home screen.
activate microphone icon
Look for the microphone icon next to the search bar and click on it. To access your device's microphone YouTube May need to permit.
hum a tune
After the microphone is on, Start humming the tune of the song you are looking for. Hum it as clearly as possible for best results.
YouTube analyzes the tune
YouTube It will analyze the song you are humming and compare it to its database to find matching songs.
View song list
post processingYouTube Will display a list of songs matching the song you hum. The accuracy with which you sing the tune, The results will be that much better.
select song
If the song you're looking for doesn't appear in the list, So just click on it to listen to the full track.
try again if necessary
If the song you're looking for doesn't appear immediately, So you can hum again. YouTube Will give you more chances to find the right match.
Disclaimer: This content has been sourced and edited from (ZeeNewshindi).