The actor is still in the hospital after the attack on Saif Ali Khan. However, he is recovering and is expected to return home soon. But today here we are going to tell you that story, when Saif Ali Khan's father Mansoor Ali Khan removed Nawab from his name. For this reason, the word Nawab is not used in the title of Saif Ali Khan. This was revealed by Saif Ali Khan himself in a chat show.
There was a time when Saif Ali Khan's father was called Nawab. But five decades ago his father had to change his name. Saif Ali had once revealed this in Arbaaz Khan's chat show Quick Heel Pinch.
Saif Ali Khan had told, “In 1971, all the princely states in India were abolished. I think in the same year my father also lost the captaincy of the Indian cricket team. Along with this, he also changed his name in the same year. There used to be Pataudi in his signature also. He was called by this name throughout his life, but in the same year the Government of India declared this title illegal. After this, he changed the title of his name from Nawab to Khan and he started being called by this name. His signature also used to have Pataudi, but later he changed all that too.”
Saif Ali further said, “When I was five years old, I asked my father why do you have two names? Then he had said that I was born in Pataudi, but after 1971 he changed it to Khan. So now my name is this and now you are also Khan. “We were brought up this way and I think we should know about it, but I have no interest in becoming a Nawab.”