Mahakumbh 2025, which started in Prayagraj, will run from 13 January to 26 January. Where a large number of devotees have come to bathe in the Ganga. The main attraction of this grand event is Naga Sadhu, Aghori Baba and other sages and saints. In such a situation, let us know the important things to the life, spiritual practice and food of Naga Sadhu and Aghori Sadhu.
Aghori Sadhus who perform sadhana, which is called 'Aghor Panth' and perform sadhana at places like crematorium. These sages try to understand the mysteries of death and life. Aghori sadhus worship Bhairava form of Shiva. They always have a Narmund, which symbolizes the cycle of life and death. Wear black clothes and remain engrossed in Tantra meditation. Talking about food, Aghori are non-vegetarian and can also eat raw meat of animals.
Naga Sadhus play the role of religious preachers and protectors. Adiguru Shankaracharya started the Naga tradition in the 8th century. He performs rigorous penance for 12 years and lives a disciplined life in the Akhara. These sadhus rub ashes on the body and wear 17 types of adornments (tilak, earrings, bangles etc.). Talking about food, Naga Sadhus beg for alms from only seven houses and eat food only once a day. If they do not get food then they remain hungry and perform penance.
Place of worship:-
Aghori sadhu performs sadhana in crematorium
Naga Sadhus perform disciplined penance in Akharas
Life Style:-
Aghori practice Tantra and are non-vegetarian
Naga Sadhus observe strict celibacy and abstain from meat and alcohol.
Celibacy rule:-
Naga Sadhus follow celibacy throughout their life
There is no strict rule of celibacy for Aghori Sadhus.
To become a Naga Sadhu one has to do rigorous penance for 12 years. In the Kumbh Mela, they are given initiation to become Naga Sadhus, after which they live a Digambara life.