Adding to the rising crime in Pune, another alarming incident occurred on Wednesday in Pune where a senior citizen was targeted by a chain snatcher while on her morning walk.
The incident was reported near Navsahyadri Society at Chandanpeth.
The incident took place around 7 am when the thief forcefully snatched the woman’s mangalsutra, causing her to fall. The thief managed to grab only half of the mangalsutra, with the other half falling onto the road. Unfazed, the snatcher turned around, picked up the remaining portion, and fled the scene.
Speaking to the Free Press Journal, Sunita Rokade, Senior Police Inspector at Alankar Police Station, stated, "The incident occurred around 6 am when the victim was walking with a neighbor. CCTV footage of the chain-snatching has been obtained, and our team is analyzing it. We will make an arrest soon." She also urged citizens to avoid wearing gold jewelry during morning or evening walks to reduce the risk of such incidents.
Pune is witnessing an alarming surge in chain-snatching incidents over the past few months. Chain snatchers are targeting senior citizens, especially women, leading to unsafe environments for them.
Walk in groups, especially during early or late hours.
Stay alert and avoid distractions like using your phone.
Wear minimal jewelry and consider anti-snatch chains.
Choose well-lit, populated routes.
Report suspicious behavior to the authorities.
Avoid wearing expensive jewelry during walks.
Don’t walk alone in isolated areas.
Don’t resist if a snatcher targets you—let go of the items.
Avoid being unaware of your surroundings.
Don’t share your walking routine on social media.