Let us understand why the habit of stumbling is considered bad in astrology.
News Update January 23, 2025 10:24 AM

Astrology Tips: Many habits in our daily life, which we usually ignore, are actually linked to planetary influences. One such habit is when people walk while tripping over things lying on the road. Even though this habit seems simple, but according to astrology it can have a negative impact on our life. This kind of habit can lead to poverty and mental stress in our life. They believe that such actions increase the influence of planets like Rahu and Ketu, which give rise to negativity and troubles. Therefore, according to astrology, we should ignore the things lying in the way and should not stumble upon them.

Importance of male and female feet in the scriptures

According to the scriptures, Daityaguru Shukracharya resides at the feet of a man, who is considered a symbol of prosperity, opulence and material happiness in the world. The planet Venus is considered to be the factor of love, attraction and grandeur, and the influence of Venus is considered important for success in work to these. At the same time, women's feet are considered similar to the feet of Goddess Lakshmi, which are considered the source of happiness, prosperity and fortune. It is believed that Goddess Lakshmi resides in the feet of a woman, and worshiping her feet brings happiness, peace and wealth in the house. Thus, both the feet have been given utmost importance in the scriptures, as they not only influence the life of the individual but also bring prosperity to the society and home.

What happens when a man hits you?

If a man walks tripping over things lying on the path, then as per the scriptures, it can weaken the planet Venus in his horoscope. The planet Venus is to a person's marital life, love relationships, and material happiness. If Venus is weak, it can affect a person's marital life, causing tension, problems and lack of favorable circumstances in relationships. Apart from this, weakening of Venus can also cause reduction in prosperity and opulence. For this reason, it is advised in the scriptures that a person should avoid such habits, so that the positive influence of Venus remains on his horoscope and his married life remains happy.

What happens if a woman hits you?

If a woman walks while tripping over things lying on the road, it is considered an insult to Goddess Lakshmi in the scriptures. It is believed that Goddess Lakshmi resides at the feet of women, who is a symbol of happiness, prosperity, wealth and opulence in the house. If a woman adopts this habit, it angers Goddess Lakshmi, and may lead to financial crisis, poverty and lack of prosperity in the house. Therefore, women are advised to avoid this habit, so that there is happiness, peace and prosperity in the house and the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi remain.

Effect of Venus's weakness and habits

When Venus is weak in a person's horoscope, it impacts not only their personal life but also their financial and marital life. Such people often face obstacles in the way of progress and their financial condition deteriorates. Additionally, tension and discord may increase in marital life, which may lead to cracks in relationships. If a person has habits like kicking stones, empty bottles or other objects on the way, it can lead to loss in their beauty, success and wealth as well. In such a situation, it is important that a person understands his habits and the influence of planets, so that he can move towards happiness, prosperity and success in life.

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