Yogi Adityanath, the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, has consented to carry out a study in order to expand the Ganga Expressway via Muzaffarnagar to Haridwar. Following a plea from state minister and Muzaffarnagar MLA Kapil Dev Agarwal, the decision was taken. The Ganga Expressway, which will connect Prayagraj and Meerut, is now being built.
Decisions Made during the Cabinet Meeting of Maha Kumbh 2025
According to Kapil Dev Agarwal, CM Yogi made a number of important decisions for improved connectivity in Uttar Pradesh at a Cabinet meeting commemorating the Maha Kumbh 2025 that was held at Triveni Tirth. Following the conference, the building of the 320-kilometer Vindhya Expressway and the 100-kilometer Vindhya-Eastern UP Link Expressway was approved in principle.
Chief Minister’s Consent to Conduct the Survey
A survey to expand the Ganga Expressway to Haridwar has been approved by the chief minister. According to Agarwal, building motorways is crucial to the area’s social and economic development. He so asked that the Ganga Expressway, which is now being constructed between Prayagraj and Meerut, be extended via Muzaffarnagar and linked to Haridwar. The survey was approved by the chief minister.
Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami and CM Yogi Have a Conversation
Additionally, Kapil Dev Agarwal said that CM Yogi had a phone conversation with Pushkar Singh Dhami, the chief minister of Uttarakhand. Dhami applauded this proposal, saying that travelers would save time and travel more smoothly if the highway was extended to Haridwar. The residents of Muzaffarnagar would gain from this, Agarwal said, as it would be simpler to go to Haridwar and Meerut-Delhi.
Vindhya Expressway and Other Project Decisions
The 320-kilometer Vindhya Expressway, which would link the districts of Prayagraj, Varanasi, Mirzapur, Chandauli, and Sonbhadra, was authorized by the cabinet. Additionally, Kashi will be linked to the Purvanchal Expressway.
Put Regional Development First
The state is now developing industrial projects and connection networks, the chief minister said. Expressways now connect the state’s western, central, eastern, and Bundelkhand areas. For the far southeastern Vindhya area to thrive socially and economically, an expressway must now be built.