Bollywood actress Ameesha Patel has finally spoken out about the marriage rumors to Pakistani actor Imran Abbas. The 49-year-old actress has always won the hearts of her fans with great acting skills and started her film career with Kaho Naa. Pyaar Hai. Successful return of Ameesha Patel on big screens in 2023 to Gadar 2 starred alongside Sunny Deol to receive all the kudos for it. Some of her most popular films are Gadar, Humko Tumse Pyaar Hai, Zameer, Gadar 2, and Om Shanti Om.
Apart from acting, Ameesha’s love life has often been the topic of discussion as her name has often been seen with Pakistani actor Imran Abbas. However, the two actors have always insisted that their relationship is purely platonic, though fans continue to speculate about their marriage. After numerous rumors and speculations, the actress finally spoke out on the subject.
Asked in Indian media interviews recently, about pictures with Imran Abbas doing rounds that they will marry Ameesha told to Indian Media, ” These photos are already been going round on internet from 2-3 years so question is- what has happened still??” Further adding, ” We would meet for different events across different borders and all we do is friendship -no thing beyond friendship because people simply wish to pen any tale.
She also added that if two good people are seen together, then naturally rumors start. Ameesha further added that she is single, saying, “I am single, and that’s why people started speculating about our marriage, which doesn’t even exist. That’s why they are called rumors.”
It is worth mentioning here that Ameesha is still unmarried and that’s why the actress shared a cute picture on Instagram with her alleged boyfriend Nirwan from a restaurant in Dubai, which went viral in no time.
In a picture shared by actress Ameesha Patel on photo and video sharing app Instagram, Nirvana is seen hugging Ameesha and smiling at the camera.
Captioning her post, actress Ameesha Patel addressed Nirvan Birla as ‘darling’ in business.
Commenting on the post after Ameesha called her darling, fans gave the green flag to the couple by calling 49-year-old Ameesha and 30-year-old Nirwan a beautiful couple.
It should be noted that actress Ameesha Patel has not yet reacted to the speculations of her relationship with Nirvan Birla in business
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