In Hyderabad, a young man brutally murdered his pregnant wife and then tried to pass it off as an accident. Suspecting her of infidelity, the young man crossed all limits of cruelty to kill his wife. Anyone who heard about this incident was shocked.
An unborn child also diedA 21-year-old man killed his wife suspecting her of infidelity. In this gruesome incident, the foetus of the woman came out of the womb. The 21-year-old woman was in the seventh month of pregnancy. Police gave this information on Tuesday. This gruesome incident took place on January 16 in Kushaiguda police station area. Police said that on January 16, when the accused's wife was sleeping in the house, he sat on her stomach and suffocated her with a pillow, resulting in the foetus coming out of the womb.
Opened the valve of the gas cylinder and set it on fireThe accused then tried to pass off the incident as a fire accident by opening the valve of the gas cylinder and setting it on fire, police said. A case was registered based on the complaint of the deceased woman's mother and during the investigation, the accused was arrested on January 20, an official from Kushaiguda police station said.
The marriage took place in 2022According to the police, the two became friends online, after which they got married in 2022. Police said that after some dispute, they lived separately for a few months and since a month ago they have been living together in a rented house here.
PC:Punjab Kesari