In Kaliyuga, people's age will start decreasing, height will remain only 4 inches, these predictions of Vishnu Purana will surprise you
News Update January 24, 2025 03:24 AM

Vishnu Puran: Looking at the events and changes taking place in the society, it is often said that we are living in a severe Kaliyuga. Whenever we face any crime or evil, this sentence comes out of our mouth that "This is Kaliyuga, evil reigns everywhere." But do you know that many predictions to Kaliyuga have been given in Vishnu Purana, which give us shocking information about the end of this era. It is told in Vishnu Purana that as Kaliyuga moves towards its peak, there will be strange changes in the height, age and physical structure of humans.

The prophecies of Vishnu Purana are not just a warning, but also an indication of the changes to come. These changes occurring in Kaliyuga can bring serious consequences for humanity and society. Let us know about those predictions made in Vishnu Purana which can be a warning for humanity.

The average age of humans will decrease

It has been predicted in Vishnu Purana about Kaliyuga that by the end of this era the average age of humans will reduce to only 12 to 20 years. This change will not only affect the physical condition of humans, but will also bring drastic changes in many aspects of society.

The gap between the king and the people will increase

While on one hand people have started understanding the importance of wealth in Kaliyuga, on the other hand, according to Vishnu Purana, in this era, instead of protecting the people, the kings would be engaged in looting their wealth. At this time, only those who have more wealth will be called kings and those who do not have power will be reduced to mere servants.

Strange changes will occur in the body

Changes will also be seen in the body during Kaliyuga. According to Vishnu Purana, at this time women will have children only at the age of five or six years, while men will have children only at the age of eight, nine or ten years. Also, hair will start growing at the age of twelve and no one's age will increase beyond 20 years. Such physical changes will start appearing after reaching the peak of Kaliyuga.

There will be a huge reduction in length

In mythology, the height of man was up to seven feet in Tretayuga and Dwapar Yuga, but as soon as Kaliyuga arrived, the height of man declined. According to Vishnu Purana, when Kaliyuga will reach its final phase, man's height will be only 4 feet. Will remain till inch. These changes will not only have physical but also mental and cultural impacts.

There will be a change in the structure of the eyes

The beauty of eyes will also be lost in Kaliyuga. While in Treta Yuga and Dwapar Yuga, the shine of a man's eyes reflected his good nature, in Kaliyuga, the shine of his eyes will reduce. People will be born with small eyes and their eyesight will already be weak. This will create difficulties in communication and communication in the society.

The glow on your face will disappear

It is also said in Vishnu Purana that by the end of Kaliyuga man will lose his natural beauty. Whereas earlier people used to look young for a long time due to Ayurveda and natural remedies, now there will be no glow on the face. As skin diseases increase, the face will wither and its beauty will reduce.

Decrease in muscle power and physical strength

It is mentioned in the Puranas that in Treta Yuga and Dwapar Yuga, people used to do amazing work with their muscle power. They were able to defeat their enemies even without weapons. But in Kaliyuga, people will get tired and exhausted from small efforts. Muscle strength will already reduce, which will lead to a drastic reduction in physical ability.

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