Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was brutally stabbed on January 16th by an intruder during an attempted burglary. It happened on an unfateful Thursday night when Saif Ali Khan and his family members were asleep, Jeh's nanny saw a man coming towards the little kid and almost reached towards his bed. His nanny assumed it was Kareena Kapoor Khan, but little did she know that it was an intruder trying to rob money.
Saif's house help held Jeh close to her and yelled, but he told her to keep quiet, and Jeh started crying. Upon hearing the commotion, Saif went inside Jeh's room and saw the scuffle between his house and the intruder; she even fought with him and eventually hurt her wrist and hand.
When Saif intervened, he held the intruder's hand, and to save himself, the burglar stabbed Saif on his wrist, neck, and spine. The actor was rushed to the hospital at 3 am in an auto. He underwent surgery on Thursday morning and was discharged on Tuesday evening.
On Tuesday evening, several videos and pictures of Saif after his discharge and walking calmly and comfortably at his residence surfaced on social media. The actor waved at his fans and the media and even greeted them with folded hands. Seeing Saif hale and hearty within five days, a section of netizens questioned the seriousness of the injury as mentioned in various media reports. Several conspiracy theories have been floating in and around media and on social media.
Not just that, a section of netizens have questioned the seriousness of his injuries. Some speculated that if a 2.5-inch knife fragment was removed from his back, how could Saif walk without any support?
Not just eagle-eyed fans, but a section of politicians also raised questions about the attack and called it "fishy."
Maharashtra minister Nitesh Rane on Saif' stabbing
Speaking at a Hindu Mahotsav rally in Alandi, Nitesh Rane on Wednesday claimed that was Saif's stabbing attack real or that he was acting.
"I saw when he came out of the hospital; I doubted whether he had been stabbed or he was acting. He was dancing while walking," Nitesh Rane said.
Nitesh Rane added, "Look at what Bangladeshis are doing in Mumbai. They entered Saif Ali Khan's house. Earlier, they used to stand at the crossings of the roads; now, they have started entering houses."
"Maybe he came to take him [Saif] away. It is good; garbage should be taken away," Rane said.
He also said, "Whenever any Khan like Shahrukh Khan or Saif Ali Khan gets hurt, everyone starts talking about it. When a Hindu actor like Sushant Singh Rajput is tortured, no one comes forward to say anything."
"That Mumbra's Jeetuddin [Jitendra Awhad] and Baramati's Tai [Supriya Sule] did not come forward to say anything. They are only worried about Saif Ali Khan, Shah Rukh Khan's son and Nawab Malik. Have you ever seen them worrying about any Hindu artist? You guys should pay attention to all these things," Rane alleged.
Sanjay Nirupam questions the seriousness of Saif Ali Khan's knife attack
Not just Nitesh Rane, on Wednesday, Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Nirupam also took potshots at Saif's attack and questioned his quick recovery after being stabbed six times and undergoing almost six-hour surgery.
Sanjay Nirupam said, "The way doctors put the details about the incident in the public domain and said that a 2.5-inch piece of knife was lodged inside Saif Ali Khan's back. The auto driver said that the actor was bleeding profusely when he was brought to the hospital, and then the doctor said that the operation took six hours. Is it possible for someone to get discharged from the hospital in four days in such a fit condition after going through this much?"
"I know that Saif Ali Khan is physically very fit and goes to the gym regularly, but is his immune system so strong that he can recover i