The troubles of director Ram Gopal Varma, who has been in controversies regarding his statements, have increased. The Mumbai court has sentenced him to three months. The filmmaker has been sentenced to this punishment in the check bounce case of a 2018 film. He did not appear in the court during the hearing, after which the court gave its verdict. Now the filmmaker has given clarification on the punishment he received.
Well-known filmmaker and director Ram Gopal Varma is in the news these days for the re-release of his film 'Satya', but a seven-year-old matter has become a problem for him. A case was registered against Ram Ropal Verma in the year 2018 by a company named Shree. On January 21, the filmmaker was called for a hearing in the court but he did not appear in the court during the hearing. The court has also directed to pay Rs 3.72 lakh as compensation.
The court had issued a non-bailable warrant against him. After the punishment, Ram Gopal Verma gave clarification on his social media account X. He made two posts. In the first post, Ram Gopal Verma said - “Regarding the news about me and Andheri Court, I want to clarify that this is a 7 year old case of an amount of Rs 2 lakh 38 thousand related to my former employee… My lawyer “We are considering it and since the matter is in the court, I cannot say anything further.”
After being convicted, he wrote- This is not about the settlement of Rs 2.38 lakh. It was about refusing to be exploited in attempts to create controversy. Anyway, that's all I can say right now. Let us tell you that the court has given the decision to Ram Gopal Verma to give Rs 3 lakh 72 thousand as compensation to the complainant within three months. If they do not do this then they may have to go to jail.