In an alarming development, Vijay Vikram Singh, the renowned narrator of Bigg Boss for 15 years, has been receiving death threats and online abuse from fans of social media influencer Rajat Dalal. Dalal lost the Bigg Boss 18 trophy to Karan Veer Mehra on January 19, 2025, finishing as the second runner-up, while Vivian D’Sena secured first runner-up.
The backlash began after the Bigg Boss 18 finale aired, with disappointed fans of Rajat Dalal targeting Singh for his perceived involvement in Dalal’s eviction. Despite Singh’s well-known role as the narrator, some fans have mistakenly associated him with the authoritative “Bigg Boss” voice on the show. This misunderstanding has led to online harassment and violent threats directed at Singh and his family.
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Social media platforms have been inundated with abusive messages and death threats aimed at Singh. In one instance, a fan page of Dalal wrote, “You did wrong with Rajat Dalal; your family and kids will never be happy.” The situation escalated to the point where Singh disabled comments on one of his recent posts to protect himself and his loved ones.
Singh had previously clarified his role in December 2024, explaining in a video message, “I just narrate the tasks and timings for the audience in Bigg Boss. I know nothing about the voice that speaks to the contestants. Please stop abusing me.” He reiterated this after receiving hate messages during Digvijay Rathee’s eviction, stating, “I am the second voice of Bigg Boss, not the Bigg Boss.”
The ongoing threats have sparked concerns about the toxic behavior of certain fandoms, particularly when their preferred contestants lose. The creators of Bigg Boss have yet to address this issue publicly, but it underscores the need for greater awareness about the distinction between a show’s production roles and its scripted outcomes.