Priyanka Chopra’s visit to a temple in Hyderabad has created a spec surrounding whether she would play a part in the reportedly highly ambitious SS Rajamouli film SSMB29, alongside Mahesh Babu. Meanwhile, on Friday, Priyanka took to Instagram and posted a glimpse of her early morning temple visit, wherein she went through dense fog at 6 AM. She can be seen in the video performing an aarti at the temple, followed by a photo of her wearing a pink suit with a red and white tilak on her forehead, which suggests that she visited a Lord Shiva temple. This visit comes just a few days after Priyanka posted another set of pictures from her trip to the Chilkur Balaji Temple in Telangana, where she teased the beginning of a “new chapter” in her life.
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Besides these photos, she also thanked blessings of Shri Balaji while writing, “May we all find peace in our hearts and prosperity and abundance all around us.” Fans were the first to make comments on those posts, starting speculations that she might act in SSMB29. Though Priyanka hasn’t officially confirmed her involvement in the film, the timing of her trip to Hyderabad, coupled with recent reports about her potential casting, has fueled the speculation. The film, directed by SS Rajamouli, was officially launched in Hyderabad with a pooja ceremony, but details about the project, including Mahesh Babu’s look, have been kept under wraps.
In addition to the buzz surrounding SSMB29, Priyanka Chopra is celebrating another milestone: the success of Anuja, a short film backed by her and Guneet Monga.
Anuja has been nominated for the 2025 Oscars in the Best Live Action Short Film category, making history as it competes alongside other films like A Lien, I’m Not a Robot, The Last Ranger, and A Man Who Would Not Remain Silent. Fans and industry insiders are looking forward to see what is in store for Priyanka, both in her film carrier and beyond.
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