Increased uric acid levels can be a common but serious problem, which can negatively affect the kidneys and joints. The high level of uric acid usually leads to diseases such as gout and kidney stone. This occurs when there is excessive consumption of purine in the body and uric acid is formed when the purine breaks. However, some easy changes to avoid this problem can be made in your lifestyle and diet.
Let us know what mistakes you can make to control the level of uric acid in the body and how they can be overcome.
1. Indequate water intake
A major cause of increasing uric acid can be a lack of water in the body. When there is a lack of water in the body, uric acid dissolves and enters the blood, which increases its levels.
What to do:
2. Excessive intake of purine-rich foods
Purine, which is found in meat, seafood, and some other foods, can increase the production of uric acid. If you are excessive consumption of these foods, uric acid levels may increase.
What to do:
3. Excessive Sugar and Processed Foods)
Sugar and processed foods can increase the level of uric acid in the body. They can spoil the natural balance of the body and thus affect the level of uric acid.
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4. Excessive alcohol consumption
Alcohol, especially beer and whiskey, can increase the level of uric acid. They affect the kidneys and help to make uric acid more.
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5. Lack of physical activity
Lack of physical activity can also be a reason for increasing uric acid. If you avoid completely physical activities, body fat accumulates, which can increase uric acid levels.
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6. Excess weight
Excessive weight can also increase uric acid levels. When there is excess of body fat, it affects the level of uric acid and is likely to grow.
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7. Incorrect Medication Usage
Many drugs, such as diauraratics and some other medicines, can increase the level of uric acid. If you are consuming these medicines without consulting a doctor, it can affect the level of uric acid.
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8. Stress and tension
Stress and mental pressure can also affect the body's system, which can increase the level of uric acid. Stress can spoil the body's hormonal balance and result in the production of uric acid.
What to do:
If you want to avoid high levels of uric acid, it is very important to avoid these common mistakes. Balanced diet, right water intake, regular exercise, and stress preventing can help control your uric acid levels. By adopting the right lifestyle, you can avoid problems to uric acid and keep your body healthy.