Many types of updates are coming out every day in Saif Ali Khan case. Mumbai Police is continuously investigating this matter. According to sources, Mumbai Police believes that Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahzad is Saif's attacker. To investigate this case, Mumbai Police had collected more than 200 fingerprints from stairs, window, bedroom, washroom, bed, dining table, table, chair, walls inside and outside Saif's house. The police have sent it to the Forensic Lab and State CID Lab for investigation. Along with this, fingerprints of the accused Shariful arrested in this case have also been taken and sent to the lab.
According to sources, out of 200, more than 2 dozen fingerprints did not match. The reason behind this could be double print, the hands of more than 2 people touching one place or the hand of any other member of Saif Ali Khan's house or staff touching the same place as the hand of the accused attacker. But a top officer of Mumbai Police says that Mumbai Police has collected a lot of evidence against the arrested accused, which strengthens the investigation of this case. It has become clear in the investigation that the arrested accused is the attacker. The officer said that we have also given the evidence to the remand court and will go to the Sessions Court and present the evidence found in the investigation there also.
At the same time, a lot of contradictions are emerging regarding the face recognition of the accused. It is reported from the sources that there is a difference between the face recognition done by Western Railways of the suspected accused and the arrested accused of Bandra, Dadar and Andheri railway stations. On this, Mumbai Police sources say that Saif was attacked on 16 January. After that, a dozen suspects who looked like him were caught and interrogated. But on the night of 16 January, the location tower of any of these mobile phones was not found in or around Saif's house.
The mobile tower of the captured attacker has been found at Saif's house and it is clear that the face recognition of the captured attacker will not match with the pictures of the suspects that have gone viral. The weapons used by the accused in this case have been confiscated and sent to the forensic lab. Mumbai Police has found out from where the accused purchased these weapons and investigation is going on whether any other person or organization or insider had any role along with the attacker caught in this case or not?