If you drive a car, you should also have important information related to the car, otherwise your car may get damaged. Do you people know after how many days the engine oil should be changed? If the oil is not changed at the right time, it has a negative impact on the car. Not only this, the car can also cheat in the middle of the road, if you want that something like this does not happen to you, then you should know the answer to this question, what is the right time to change the car engine oil?
Whatever be the vehicle, be it petrol or diesel, companies say that the engine oil should be changed every year or after 10 thousand kilometers, whichever happens first. But people forget this and keep driving, sometimes it happens that people do not even realize and the car keeps running even after 10 thousand kilometers. Due to this mistake, all three things, engine, performance and mileage of the vehicle start getting affected.
At the same time, there are some people whose running is less i.e. the car runs less and such people keep waiting for the car to run 10,000 kilometers. This is also wrong, even if your vehicle has not covered 10,000 kilometers in a year, you should get the engine oil changed within a year, this is because the engine oil starts getting old which makes it necessary to change the oil.
The answer to this question depends on which car you have and which engine oil you are filling in the car. There are different types of engine oils, the better quality oil you put in, the more the money will increase. Apart from this, the cost also depends on the model of the vehicle.