A heart-wrenching incident came to light in the Khajrana area of Indore, where a 30-year-old man, Zaid, was found chained for nearly seven years by his family. The man, suffering from mental instability, was discovered in a dire condition after being confined outdoors in all weather conditions – summer, winter, and rain – by his mother, a beggar. His case was brought to the attention of the local NGO ‘Sanstha Pravesh’, which promptly acted to rescue him.
The rescue operation, which took place on Friday, was carried out by a dedicated team from the NGO, led by Rupali Jain. Upon reaching the site near the Khajrana police station, the team discovered that Zaid’s legs were bound by thick chains, which were secured to the ground with iron rods and locks. His wrists were also shackled with large locks, and he was confined to a small area, measuring just five square feet. Zaid had been living in these harsh conditions, defecating in the open and surviving only on occasional food provided by kind-hearted passersby, reported TOI.
The situation turned complicated when Zaid’s mother, Mumtaz, became highly agitated and violent during the rescue attempt. Despite repeated efforts by the female members of the team to calm her down, she refused to cooperate. However, the team managed to snatch the keys to the chains from her. Unfortunately, the locks were rusted and could not be opened. In a desperate attempt, the team used a hammer and chisel to break the chains that had tightly bound Zaid for years. After a strenuous two-hour effort, Zaid was finally freed from his chains.
Zaid, who had dreams of becoming a singer, suffered a head injury at the age of nine, which caused a gradual decline in his mental health. His father abandoned the family 15 years ago, leaving Mumtaz to care for Zaid with limited resources. Unable to seek proper medical treatment, she had resorted to traditional healing practices, including chaining him outdoors, believing it was the best way to deal with his condition.
According to nearby vendors and locals, Zaid would often scream in hunger or remain silent, and his condition had deeply affected the community. He was often seen tied up and suffering in the open, with no protection from the elements. Witnesses reported that Zaid's mental health deteriorated further over the years, and his behaviour became erratic. The vendors and passersby occasionally offered him food or water out of compassion.