Lemon Rice, known as Chittaranna in South India, is a popular dish of South Indian cuisine. This is one of the simplest recipes of rice that you can make in just 10 minutes. The only drawback in this recipe is that you will need pre -boiled rice, otherwise it will take time to cook. This is an excellent rice recipe that you can take along during the journey as it does not spread and remains fresh for a long time. Also, this rice recipe is also given in many temples as offerings because it is made without onion and garlic. Many people eat this lemon rice with papad, vegetable salad and even coconut sauce. However, you can eat it like this. It is a light and heart touching dish that you can also eat for breakfast. Try this easy recipe of Lemon Rice and give us your feedback. 2 cups boiled basmati rice
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
10 curry leaves
1 tbsp butter
2 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp raw peanuts
2 pinch mustard seeds
2 Red Chili Phase 1 Mustard Grain Heat
To make this easy recipe, heat a pan on medium heat and melt butter in it, and fry mustard seeds. You can also add turmeric at this time. Step 2 Add peanuts and curry leaves to rice
Then, add peanuts, curry leaves and red chili. Fry for 5 minutes. Add ripe rice and lemon juice and other ingredients. Mix everything well. Step 3 cook and serve on low heat!
Cook on low flame for 5 minutes. Remove in a bowl and serve hot!