New Delhi: Referring to the country's Artificial Intelligence (AI) ambitions on Thursday, Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnav said that India will prepare its own basic model in the coming months. He said that India will prepare the cheapest common compute feature run by the 18,693 graphics processing unit (GPU) for startups and the use of researchers, with the help of which chat GJPT, Deepcick R1 and other AI models can be competed. This bold step of India has come to light at a time when the Chinese company Dipcik has caught people's attention from its AI model. Dipcik has challenged the dominance of American companies in the AI sector.
Union Minister Ashwani Vaishnav expressed confidence that India would create a basic model that would be world class and can compete with the world's best model. India on Thursday announced the next stages in its Artificial Intelligence draft, including Jio Platforms, CMS Computer, Tata Communications, E2E Network, Yota Data Services and others for bidding. These companies have offered 18,693 GPUs. Apart from this, eight projects were also approved.
IT Minister Ashwani Vaishnav made several announcements promising to bring India to the global AI center and said that an AI security institute would be started. He said that making modern technology accessible to all, this is our Prime Minister's economic thinking. We currently have the cheapest computing facility. Asked about the confidential concerns about the deepC, he said that India would 'host' it on the Indian server to solve privacy concerns. The government is also demanding a proposal to develop India's basic model which will be associated with Indian references, Indian languages, culture, and where the figures will be for our country, for our citizens.
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The Union Minister assured that the general compute facility (operated by 18,693 GPU) would be much lower than the global cost standard. This compute feature will be the cheapest. The government will bear 40 percent of its cost, after which it will be made available at less than one dollar per GPU hour. Ashwini Vaishnav said that there are at least six major developers and startups, which can make basic models in the next 8–10 months or even before. Under the India AI Mission, the government had approved the expenditure of Rs 10,372 crore to strengthen India's AI Ecosystem.