A big news has come out about Bollywood actress Swara Bhaskar. Swara Bhaskar's X (first Twitter) account has been suspended permanently. The actress told that she had received messages of copyright violations from X. Swara has expressed displeasure over the account being suspended. He posted and gave information about this move of X. Swara's account has been suspended due to copyright violations. Let's know what is the whole matter?
Swara Bhaskar told about the suspension of her ex account on Instagram account. Swara wrote that my account has been suspended forever to post on X on Republic Day. The actress wrote in her post, 'Dear X, two photos of two tweets have been described as' copyright violation'. On the basis of which my X account has been blocked, I cannot reach it. I have shared two photos here.
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Swara further wrote, 'It was written in an orange background and Hindi Devanagari script- Gandhi we are embarrassed, your murderer is alive. This is a popular slogan of progressive movement in India. There is no copyright violation. It is like an idiom. He further wrote, 'The second is the picture of my child, in which his face is hidden and that Indian tricolor is waving. 'Happy Republic Day India' is written on it. How can it be a violation of copyright? '
Swara is often known to have his impeccable opinion. She speaks very impressed on many social and political issues. Many times Swara is caught in troubles due to this. At the same time, he has also openly debated with the people of the cinematic world. Swara has his own political opinion and hence he has faced a lot of hate and trolling many times. This time his account has been completely suspended.