New Delhi New Delhi: A report on Thursday stated that in 2024, Apple iPhone registered a 7 percent share in the smartphone market in India, which has increased due to strong production locally and increasing the trend of premiums in small towns. According to data given to IANS by Cybermedia Research (CMR), on a year-on-year basis, the iPhone registered an impressive growth of 23 percent and iPad 44 percent in the country. Prabhu Ram, VP-Industry Research Group of Cybermedia Research (CMR), said, “The strong growth speed of Apple in the year 2024, both iPhone and iPad were inspired by double digits in detail, along with a smartphone premiumization adapted tailwind Domestic manufacturing and retail expansion were inspired by strong push by Apple. ”
India's aspiring middle class is investing rapidly in premium equipment not only for lifestyle but also for their advanced technical capabilities. He said, “The permanent aspiration of iPhone and iPad remains a major driver of market growth for Apple, with a sufficient scope for growth and even then. There are still early days for Apple in India.” In the 2024 October-December quarter (Q4), Apple entered the top 5 smartphone players in India for the first time with its aspiring image and growing footprint, which won about 10 percent market share according to quantity. Last year, Tech Giants set the government's production-linked incentive (PLI) scheme and aggressive retail detail and set new exports as well as domestic sales records. In the last one year, the company's strategic approach in India has achieved significant achievements and has increased importance in the market. Apple's shipment in India in 2024 is going to cross the 11 million mark.
Ram said that Apple growth in India is expected to continue with significant speed in the coming year, inspired by aggressive retail expansion, target marketing strategies and deep penetration in the ambitious Indian market. He said that this growth is inspired by the strong demand of both the latest and previous generation iPhones.