Bollywood director Priyadarshan has given a big gift to the fans on his birthday. The director has announced the third part of the 2000 film 'Hera Pheri'. People were eagerly waiting for the third part of the film and now this wait is finally going to end. Producer-director Priyadarshan is currently busy shooting for his upcoming horror comedy film Bhoot Bangla with Akshay Kumar. On his birthday, the actor wished him on social media.
Reacting to Akshay's post, Priyadarshan gave a big update about Hera Ferry 3. He wrote that once again hera is ready for Pheri. After this post, first Akshay then Paresh Rawal and Sunil Shetty gave their reactions. Now actor Gulaban Grover, who plays Villan Kabira in the film, has also commented.
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Yes Suniel Brother Absolutely! Hera Pheri Aur Pooch Pooch !! Shetty My Brother Kabira Ko Tag Nahi Kiya? Kabira Speaking Ke Bina Hera Pheri? @Sunielvshetty @akshaykumar @Priyadarshandir @Sirpareshrawal #Firoznadiadwala
- Gulshan Grover (@gulshangroverg) January 30, 2025
Actor Gulaban Grover, who is called the Bad Boy of Bollywood, said a funny thing while reacting to the update of Hera Pheri 3. While sharing the post of Sunil Shetty, he wrote that yes Sunil Bhai, why not? Hera Pheri and ask. After this, the gulap wrote that Shetty Mai Brother did not tag Kabira. Hera-Ferry without Kabira speaking? People are also commenting fiercely on the post of gulap. Fans are very happy with the making of Part 3 of the film.
Fans excited with 'Hera Pheri 3'
Thank you so much for your wishes akshay. In return I would like to give you a gift, im willing to do hera pheri 3, are you ready @akshaykumar , @Sunielvshetty and @Sirpareshrawal
- Priyadarshan (@Priyadarshandir) January 30, 2025
This announcement of 'Hera Pheri 3' is not a place for the happiness of the fans. 'Hera Pheri' first came in 2000. Its sequel 'Phir Hera Pheri' came in 2006. In such a situation, now it has to be seen when the work on the third link starts.