After 9 Flop, the year 2025 started a good start for Akshay Kumar. The film Sky Force was released on 24 January and the picture earned 100 crores on seeing it. Before the second weekend, Akshay Kumar and Veer Pahadia have done a good feat. But there is still a big danger. This danger is Shahid Kapoor's film Deva. Actually the film has been released and now the collection of Skyforce will have to increase, it will go down. Well, first know how much has the film earned on the seventh day?
Recently, the report of Caiknilk has come out. According to this, the film collected Rs 5.50 crore on the seventh day. The earnings have decreased on the seventh day. There has been a slight decline in the film's earnings compared to the previous day. At the same time, India's total net collection has reached 86.50 crores. However, the makers have not yet given official information about 100 crore worldwide earnings. But according to Koimoi, the figure of the world has reached 120 crores.
The opening day collection of Akshay Kumar's film was Rs 12.25 crore. On the second day, 22 crores was earned on the second day. On the third day, 28 crores have been earned on the third day and 7 crores on the fourth day. Apart from this, a collection of 5.75 crores has been done on the fifth day and 6 crores on the sixth day. On the seventh day, well is earning well.
The budget of the film is said to be 160 crores. In 6-7 days, only 59 percent budget has been found out. It is very important for the film to earn well on this weekend. Actually, until the budget comes out, the matter will not be resolved. As such, Akshay Kumar's Skyforce has performed after 9 flops so far, it is good news. But the danger is that if the film is not able to remove the budget, then the same situation will happen.
Actually Shahid Kapoor's Deva has been released. In such a situation, the earnings of Akshay Kumar's film will be affected. But how much this question is, the answer will be detected after Saturday. If there was a lot of effect, then it can also be difficult to reach 160 crores. Akshay Kumar has only OMG 2 superhit in the last 2 years. All films are flops in front of him. Many are very big budget pictures