WhatsApp has officially announced that from May 5, 2025, it will not support iOS 15.1 and older versions. This means that WhatsApp will not work on iPhones that have iOS 15.1 or older versions. This includes the iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus. This change will affect not only WhatsApp apps but also WhatsApp Business apps because both apps work with the same code and system.
Important information for those using older iOS versions
If you are using iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, or iPhone 6 Plus and your device has a version older than iOS 15.1, then you will have to either update your device or buy a new iPhone to continue using WhatsApp. This change will affect users who have iOS 12.5.7 or older, which was the last update for these device models.
On which devices will WhatsApp not work?
From the new year, WhatsApp will not work on the following devices:
1. Apple iPhone Models:
➤ iPhone 5
➤ iPhone 6
➤ iPhone 6S
➤iPhone 6S Plus
➤ iPhone SE (old model)
2. Huawei Models:
➤ Huawei Ascend G525
➤ Huawei Ascend P6 S
➤ Huawei C199
➤ Huawei GX1s
➤Huawei Y625
3. Lenovo Models:
➤ Lenovo 46600
➤ Lenovo A820
➤ Lenovo A858T
➤ Lenovo P70
➤ Lenovo S890
4. LG Models:
➤ LG Optimus 4X HD
➤ LG Optimus G
➤ LG Optimus G Pro
➤ LG Optimus L7
5. Motorola Models:
➤ Motorola Moto G
➤ Motorola Moto X
6. Samsung Models:
➤ Samsung Galaxy Ace Plus
➤ Samsung Galaxy Core
➤ Samsung Galaxy Express 2
➤ Samsung Galaxy Grand
➤ Samsung Galaxy Note 3
➤ Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini
➤ Samsung Galaxy S4 Active
➤ Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini
➤ Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom
7. Sony Models:
➤ Sony Xperia E3
➤ Sony Xperia M
➤ Sony Xperia Z1
At the same time, users affected by this change are advised to update their devices as soon as possible or buy a new device so that they can continue using WhatsApp. WhatsApp usage may be reduced on older models because these devices are more than 10 years old and the number of people still using WhatsApp on most of them is very low.
Disclaimer: This content has been sourced and edited from punjabkesari. While we have made modifications for clarity and presentation.