New Delhi [India], January 31 (ANI): Congress MP Rajiv Shukla on Friday slammed the BJP-led government at the Centre for its handling of the economy, saying that inflation is on the rise while GDP growth is not sufficient."We need to see the condition of the economy when the Economic Survey is tabled - the economy is not in good shape - both, Indian and foreign economic experts are saying this," Shukla told reporters."Neither our GDP is growing nor we are succeeding in satisfying consumers, inflation is also on the rise. Foreign investors are pulling out their money and that's the reason our foreign exchange reserve is also falling," he added.TMC MP Kirti Azad also hit out at the government saying, "From the last 11 years, the government is merely lying... All they do is lie. Nothing is going to come out of the Economic Survey..."BJD MP Sasmit Patra said, "The Indian economy is not in very good shape. Though we keep on saying that we are going towards becoming a USD 5 trillion economy - issues such as price rise, inflation and unemployment are real concerns... The economy needs major reforms, I hope that we will see a reflection of the same in the budget tomorrow..." Meanwhile, emphasising that the government is working on all-round development, President Droupadi Murmu on Friday said that the country has only one aim which is to become a Vikshit Bharat (developed India) and the government is working with a "saturation approach" so nobody is left in the journey.Addressing a joint sitting of the Parliament in the Budget session, President Murmu said, "My government is working with a Saturation Approach, so nobody is left in the journey of Vikshit Bharat... We have only one aim to become Viksit Bharat."As the Made in India defence product goes global, the President lauded the government for taking steps towards self-reliance in the defence sector."The country has taken several historic steps to protect the country's borders and ensure internal security.... The govt has also taken steps towards self-reliance in the defence sector. From Make in India, we have moved to make for the world..." she said.A series of important bills are likely to be taken up during the session.The Waqf (Amendment) Bill, 2024 and the Mussalman Wakf (Repeal) Bill, 2024 are also likely to be presented which aimed at bringing reforms to the management of religious endowments.The legislative agenda of the government includes the Banking Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2024, the Railways (Amendment) Bill, 2024, the Disaster Management (Amendment) Bill, 2024, the Oilfields (Regulation and Development) Amendment Bill, 2024, the Boilers Bill, 2024, the Waqf (Amendment) Bill, 2024, the Coastal Shipping Bill, 2024, the Merchant Shipping Bill, 2024 and the Finance Bill, 2025.The first part of the Budget session will continue till February 13 and the two Houses will again meet on March 10 after recess with the session concluding on April 4. (ANI)