Yes, it’s February … already. We made it astrologically; this first day of the month looks good for at least four zodiac signs. The transit, Venus conjunct Neptune, is at the core of today’s special universal message.
This transit works on our love lives and our understanding of what love means to us personally. It’s a very good day for communicating one’s love for another, as we also have the gift of gab going on for us during this time. The special message is this: give love, receive love, and do not be afraid to express yourself.
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You may have noticed that you have become a little jaded over the years, and while it’s useful, it’s also started to impede your social life. You want to trust, but that other voice gets in the way, telling you to distrust.
That’s why February 1 is an important date for you, Taurus. During this day’s transit, Venus conjunct Neptune, you’ll see that you are missing out on things that a more vulnerable perception might offer you, like friends.
Venus conjunct Neptune helps you find a balance between vulnerability and coldness. You want to protect yourself, but the universe is trying to show you that life needs a balance and that if you are to experience love, you must let go of some defense mechanisms.
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Photo: warmjuly | Design: YourTango
Rather than worrying about the people in your life or whatever is on your mind, you might be prodded into expressing yourself and getting it out of your system. Not speaking says too much and leaves too much to the imagination.
So on February 1, during Venus conjunct Neptune, the universe’s message is to do yourself and those you love a favor and speak up and say what’s on your mind. This transit encourages new beginnings and honesty, and what better day to implement such an ideal than the first of the month?
By speaking up and saying what’s on your mind, you give yourself peace of mind and allow others to breathe easily; this is generally a good rule of thumb. The universe directs you towards this conclusion, freeing you of any past burden.
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Photo: warmjuly | Design: YourTango
You’ve always been someone who enjoys being kind to others, and while sometimes you use that kindness to soften whatever is on your mind, you like seeing the faces of those you make happy. You are very good at being very good, in other words, but that doesn’t always read as true to you.
It’s not that you are insincere; there’s more to you than just pleasing people. During Venus conjunct Neptune on February 1, you may hear more about this side of your personality via a message from the universe. The universe wants you to up your game a little, Libra. What this means is that if you do love someone … then tell them.
That’s what this first day of the month is all about for you and you’ll hear that message crystal clear: The universe is you telling someone you love them sincerely and honestly. That person has been in real need of this, so no more beating around the bush; let the universe guide you toward healthy communication.
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Photo: warmjuly | Design: YourTango
Venus conjunct Neptune is just about in your face on this first day of February, Capricorn. The message from the universe is all about love and romance and the promise of great things to come. You had a feeling something like this might happen, and it’s not only a good thing … what you hear is what sets the course for the rest of the year, where love is concerned.
You can’t have a great Venus transit without making good of it, and you are so very involved and ready to roll your sleeves up and get to work that your enthusiasm works beautifully with the universe’s gift to you.
So, take advantage of Neptune’s push toward self-expression and go for it. Be the person you know yourself to be when it comes to love. Play the romantic role; see where it takes you, as the universe speaks to you via a message that provides hope and a vision of happiness.
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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.